AHA Leadership Summit

AHA Leadership Summit

Community Event

The Nashville Health Care Council features community events on our calendar—events we don’t host—that we believe offer value to our community. To join, simply create a free Council login and register on the event host's page. To submit your event to be featured please contact communications@nashvillehealthcarecouncil.com

Industry Knowledge

The American Hospital Association will host its annual AHA Leadership Summit for the first time in Nashville, July 20-22.  The three-day conference will bring together hospital executives, clinicians and experts to present innovative insights, inspiring ideas and disruptive solutions to overcome challenges, accelerate innovation and scale change. Learn how to receive free registration by attending the AHA Hosted Buyer Forum.  Secure your spot before early-bird pricing ends June 6!

If you or anyone from your organization would like to attend or if your organization has any interest in conference sponsorship, please visit: https://leadershipsummit.aha.org


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