Modern Healthcare "The 2030 Playbook Conference" Strategies and solutions for the future of healthcare

Modern Healthcare: The 2030 Playbook Conference

Community Event

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Industry Knowledge

The healthcare industry will face no shortage of challenges in the next five years – caring for a graying of America, maintaining adequate staffing despite a manpower shortage, deciding what emerging technologies to embrace, wrestling with government regulation and reimbursement rates and deciding whether partnerships and combinations translate to the bottom line. The patient will either benefit or be harmed by the decision-making. 

At The 2030 Playbook – Strategies and Solutions for the Future of Healthcare, industry leaders will address what the healthcare landscape will look like in five years, their goals and dive into how they are tackling them.

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Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025 
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Nashville, TN


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